Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Me me me me me me me...okay, I'll settle for $25,000.

So I recently "auditioned" for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire down in NYC a couple of weeks ago. "How did it go?" you ask? Well, it went well. It was a multi-step process but something anyone of my readers can do and pass. I think we should flood ABC with all my friends and acquaintances to dominate the show!!! Or at least converge upon Manhattan.

Step 1. Fill out online form and select dates you are available to audition. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Step 2. Wait. After I filled out the basic form and sent the dates I was available I thought I would get a message the next day. Not, so fast. When I didn't get a message that Friday or over the weekend I thought I was too late and missed the deadline. The Monday before my Tuesday at 5PM audition I got an email from ABC telling me that my audition was for the next day and that I should be at the door of 57th West 66th Street with the attached application filled out and ready! Ack! I threw some clothes and my Mom into my Corolla and headed to my friend Elke's in Mystic (who graciously hosted us for two nights) to catch the train to NYC for my audition.

Step 3. Fill out the forms from the email sent to you with friends (and Mom), best done with beer and wine. Aside from the expected "Are you affiliated with ABC, Disney, Skype, Twitter" Yes or No check off lists are some of the "fun" getting to know *you* questions to which Meredith may refer in her friendly chat moments on the show. "What makes you unique?", "What is something you do that makes friends laugh?", "What do you want to be on the show?" "What would *you* do with a million dollars?"

Every time I read the "What would you do with a million dollars?" I had to keep stopping myself from writing "Hookers and Blow." Seriously people...what do you want me to say? "Give it all to prevent the clubbing of baby seals?" or "I want to travel to learn how to club baby know, white fur, *huge* black eyes. Mama needs a new pair of shoes! Seal fur shoes to be exact. And it would be so exciting to learn to make them myself with seals that *I* clubbed. How many people can say that??" But I filled it out with the usual "pay off bills, take friends or mom on a trip, parking tickets, pay of bad debt so I can be seen in Mexico again." Feh.

To be continued

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