Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good Morning

Sorry for the lack of posts, I have been catching up with True Blood (best show *EVER* and excellent fang fingering goodness last Sunday) and getting ready for a move.

I just wanted to ask people to wish me luck today. I am auditioning in NYC for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire this afternoon. I'll give you all the gory details after.

In the mean time...
the word is "regardless" NEVER "irregardless." Go forth now...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fox News

Yes. This is the most popular cable news channel in the US. So, so many reasons to hate it and wonder if the people who produce the news there actually think or if everything they do is a knee-jerk reaction to the "liberal" media. Then there's this little gem...

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

WTF People?!?!?

Thanks to FailBlog.org

First Dates

I have been on many, many, many first dates in my career. Some great. many not-so-great. Tonight is another night of meeting a new person and making small talk while trying to figure out if this person is worth another evening out (sushi is on the menu so even if the date is a dud the evening won't be a total wash.)

My question to all of you is this--how do you know when to keep dating someone and when to cut bait? I have done the three-dates to feel someone out, the hell-no-not-again, the feh, the hell-yeah, and so on, all with limited success. I have had friends tell me "when you know you know" and others tell stories of just getting to know someone over time in a non-dating environment then falling in love. For me, dating just feels like a giant pain-in-the-ass these days. Yes, I would love to meet someone and fall in love but it is not always in the cards for people. Do I believe that "the one" is out there waiting for me? No. Just like you have many friends that you love there are many people out there one can get along with and love as a partner...(unless David Tennant is available and then YES, we were *meant* to be together--sadly he lives in England, we have never met, will probably never meet, etc. etc. etc.)

So advice? Tips? Good brownie recipes?

I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New male swimsuit. Joke? (pleasepleasepleaseplease)

I saw this on Jezebel.com this morning. Laughed really hard and sent it to a couple of my friends. Then I started to think about it (I laugh and distribute junk before thinking? Yes. Get used to it...)

1. Please, be a joke.

2. Who the hell would wear this?

3. THIS is ok?

4. It would be perfect if this swimsuit were acceptable yet breastfeeding in public is still decried and scandalous. I would rather see thousands of flapping, naked, aged breasts (female or male) than one of these things on the beach.

Please tell me this is a joke. Anyone?


Welcome to The Panel Blog

I am not the perfect woman/mother/girlfriend/person who blogs about how wonderful her life/kid/career is. I am a high school librarian and pop culture junkie who likes to yell at people for misusing words.

Why call it "The Panel Blog?" Because I'm a one woman judging machine...